Making $500 a Day with Google Maps


Making $500 a Day with Google Maps

Making $500 a Day with Google Maps

In today's video, I'll show you how I plan to make $500 in a day using Google Maps. It's simpler than you might think. Inspired by Muhammad, a YouTuber who made $200 in a day with Google Maps, I decided to try it myself. After watching this video, I highly recommend checking out his channel and subscribing.

The Plan

So, what’s the plan to make $500 a day with Google Maps? It’s straightforward. We’re going to approach local businesses, like restaurants and stores, offering to improve their Google Maps ranking. For example, let’s look at Clark’s Plumbing in Kentucky. They have a 4.1-star rating with only nine reviews. Compared to other local businesses with significantly more reviews, Clark's Plumbing could benefit from more visibility.

We’ll call Clark’s Plumbing and offer our service. Here’s the pitch:

  1. Identify the Need: "Hey Mark, I noticed you only have nine reviews with a 4.1-star rating. This isn’t great for your Google Maps ranking."
  2. Offer a Solution: "I can help improve your ranking. We’ll use a professional service from Fiverr to manage this for you."
  3. Middleman the Service: We hire an expert from Fiverr for $35 a month to handle the optimization and charge Clark’s Plumbing $100 a month or $300 for a four-month package. This gives us a profit of $65 per month.

Additionally, we can offer to create a website for them at an extra cost. Our approach needs to be professional yet personable to build a connection with the business owner.

Cold Calling Strategy

When cold calling, it’s essential to maintain a professional yet friendly tone. Here’s how I prepare for a successful cold call:

  1. Human Interaction: Make a joke or a light-hearted comment to build rapport.
  2. Direct Approach: "I noticed your business could use better Google Maps optimization. We offer a service that can help you rank higher."

First Cold Call Attempt

The first few calls might be rough, but it’s crucial to stay persistent. For instance, during a call with a local sushi restaurant, I mistakenly started with, "I was looking to eat at a sushi restaurant." This was a bad approach, and they hung up.

Improving the Approach

Instead, I learned to start with:

  1. Compliment and Need Identification: "Hey, I noticed your restaurant has great potential but isn’t getting enough visibility on Google Maps."
  2. Offer Value: "I can help improve your rankings, which will attract more customers to your business."

Successful Cold Call

After several attempts, I refined my pitch. Here’s an example of a successful call with a convenience store:

  1. Initial Contact: "Hello, how are you? My name is [Your Name], and I help businesses improve their Google Maps ranking."
  2. Closing the Deal: "We offer a package for $100 a month. This includes regular updates and full optimization of your Google Maps listing."

Persistence Pays Off

After several hours of cold calling, I finally secured a deal with a convenience store in Illinois. Here’s a summary of the successful call:

  1. Offer the Discount: "Normally, we charge $150 a month, but I can offer it to you for $100."
  2. Build Urgency: "The sooner we start, the quicker you’ll see results."

Lessons Learned

  1. Be Prepared: Have a script and know your pitch well.
  2. Stay Persistent: Cold calling is challenging, but persistence is key.
  3. Be Professional and Personable: Build a connection with the business owner.


Making $500 in a day with Google Maps is possible with the right strategy and persistence. By offering valuable services to local businesses and maintaining a professional yet friendly approach, you can achieve your goal. Remember, preparation and persistence are crucial. Good luck!

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