Make $2,500/Month With This Easy Affiliate Marketing Method!


Make $2,500/Month With This Easy Affiliate Marketing Method!


Okay, so you want to make money with affiliate marketing, right? Let me show you the five steps to the method I use that made me over seven hundred dollars as a 17-year-old doing affiliate marketing. These five steps are pretty simple and anybody can do this, including yourself. I'm going to share with you the best five steps that I use in making money with affiliate marketing. Let's get into it!

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If you need help with affiliate marketing or you just have questions or want to be part of a community, join my Discord server in the link below. It's free and everybody has a good time there.

Why Should You Take Advice From Me?

Okay, I'm no expert. I'm just a 17-year-old in front of my phone, but I've made some money—over $700. If you want, you can watch the videos on my channel. I'm a really honest dude, and my channel promotes honesty. We're not going to make tens of thousands of dollars in the beginning year of affiliate marketing—it just doesn't work that way. But you can secure a nice little income on the side.

Step 1: Pick an Affiliate Marketing Platform

The first step is picking an affiliate marketing platform. When you affiliate market someone's product, you need to pick a platform to use. Platforms that I would suggest are ClickBank, which I am using right now, and Warrior Plus, which I previously used but moved away from. There are many tutorials on how to use ClickBank on YouTube, explained by great YouTubers.

Step 2: Choose a Product

Obviously, we have to sell something. So, let's pick a product. Choose something you're actually good at and have knowledge in. If not, make sure to do thorough research on that knowledge. For example, I sell real estate courses in the affiliate marketing program. I'm basically in the business niche.

Step 3: Plan

You need to plan. If you go into something blindly, you're not going to understand what you're doing, and you won't grow from the experience. Here's how you can plan:

  1. Have your product.
  2. Pick the media platform you want to go on—TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat ads, Facebook ads, Twitter, etc. I suggest TikTok and Instagram because it's the best way to make money and promote your audience without spending a single dime.

I currently promote on TikTok and Instagram Reels. Write out the plan on how you're going to advertise.

Step 4: Advertise

Now you actually have to advertise. Pick a platform or two and start making your videos. For this example, I'll use TikTok and Instagram Reels. Here's what I did in my videos to market:

  • Make sure you create engaging videos.
  • Add captions, hashtags, and target your audience.

Before posting, ensure you have an account. When people like, share, and comment on your video, they should be directed to a link, but avoid saying "link in bio" as it can get you banned. Instead, guide them to your page where they can find more information.

Step 5: Evaluate and Improve

Reevaluate what you did every day or every few days. Gather all your stats and data to see what videos, captions, and hashtags performed the best. Make a spreadsheet and analyze your data.  I put in hours a day, and you need at least an hour and a half daily to do this.

Long-Term Strategy

For long-term success, continuously expand by creating multiple accounts and building an audience around them. This helps keep your content in the algorithm, leading to more clicks and sales.

Join My Discord Community

Join my Discord server for more help or to talk to people and get motivated in the community. It's all free, and I answer tons of questions there.


To end off this post, here's a reality check: this method will take work. It's not a get-rich-quick scheme. You could get lucky and blow up, but remember, I've been doing this since I was 15 and didn't make a single sale initially. If you put in at least two hours a day and stick with it for a few months, you will see results. Good luck, join the server if you want help, and be part of a great community. Peace!

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